Julio Ramirez
Julio Ramirez

 es docente de Administración de oficina a tiempo completo en el centro Job Corps de Ramey y ha trabajado en el centro durante casi dos décadas. Obtuvo una licenciatura en administración de sistemas de la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico y está acreditado por el Departamento de Educación de Puerto Rico como docente de sistemas administrativos comerciales


Administración de oficina

Office Administration
Office Administration

En el trabajo ... 

  • Gestionará bases de datos, registros y documentos. 

  • Programará reuniones y enviará comunicaciones por correo electrónico. 

  • Gestionará el correo entrante y saliente y los faxes.   

  • Preparará notas, facturas o informes.  

  • Se comunicará con miembros del equipo o clientes por teléfono, correo electrónico o en persona. 


Algunas de las opciones de carreras profesionales que tendrá son ... 

La mayoría de los graduados de Administración de oficina trabajan a tiempo completo, tanto en oficinas grandes como pequeñas. Aunque las personas que cumplen funciones de secretaría y trabajan como auxiliares de administración trabajan en casi todos los sectores, la mayoría se concentra en colegios, hospitales, organismos públicos y despachos jurídicos y médicos. 

Las credenciales que obtendrá ... 

En el programa de formación en Administración de oficina, obtendrá credenciales de organizaciones reconocidas por el sector.  

Los estudiantes también deben obtener un permiso de aprendizaje y una licencia de conducir emitidos por el estado al finalizar el programa. 


Lo que necesitará para empezar la capacitación ...

  • Tener un título de escuela secundaria o un equivalente (puede obtenerse en todos los centros Job Corps) 

  • Completar todos los cursos introductorios y de preparación profesional 

  • Aprobar todas las pruebas escritas y de rendimiento 

  • Cumplir los requisitos académicos (matemáticas y lectura) 

  • Cumplir con los requisitos estatales, que pueden implicar una comprobación de antecedentes penales y la realización de un programa de formación que cumpla los requisitos federales de contenido. 

Es Jennifer Stallins - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Jennifer Stallins
Jennifer Stallins

ha trabajado como docente de Capacitación de carrera técnica para el área de capacitación de la oficina administrativa en Job Corps de Earle C. Clements durante más de 10 años. Posee una licenciatura en administración comercial, tiene experiencia trabajando en oficinas administrativas en universidades y refugios de animales, y ha cumplido varias funciones de gestión en el área de ventas. Estas experiencias le han brindado a Jennifer una perspectiva realista que actualmente utiliza para enseñar e interactuar con sus estudiantes diariamente.


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 

Jennifer Stallins - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Jennifer Stallins
Jennifer Stallins

has worked as a CTT instructor for the Office Administration training area at Earle C. Clements Job Corps for over 10 years. She has a bachelor’s degree in business administration, has professional experience working in offices for universities and animal shelters, and held various managerial roles in retail. These experiences gave Jennifer the real-life perspective she now uses to teach and interact with students on a daily basis. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 

Jennifer Stallins - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Jennifer Stallins
Jennifer Stallins

has worked as a CTT instructor for the Office Administration training area at Earle C. Clements Job Corps for over 10 years. She has a bachelor’s degree in business administration, has professional experience working in offices for universities and animal shelters, and held various managerial roles in retail. These experiences gave Jennifer the real-life perspective she now uses to teach and interact with students on a daily basis. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 

Jennifer Stallins - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Jennifer Stallins
Jennifer Stallins

has worked as a CTT instructor for the Office Administration training area at Earle C. Clements Job Corps for over 10 years. She has a bachelor’s degree in business administration, has professional experience working in offices for universities and animal shelters, and held various managerial roles in retail. These experiences gave Jennifer the real-life perspective she now uses to teach and interact with students on a daily basis. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 

Jennifer Stallins - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Jennifer Stallins
Jennifer Stallins

has worked as a CTT instructor for the Office Administration training area at Earle C. Clements Job Corps for over 10 years. She has a bachelor’s degree in business administration, has professional experience working in offices for universities and animal shelters, and held various managerial roles in retail. These experiences gave Jennifer the real-life perspective she now uses to teach and interact with students on a daily basis. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 

Jennifer Stallins - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Jennifer Stallins
Jennifer Stallins

has worked as a CTT instructor for the Office Administration training area at Earle C. Clements Job Corps for over 10 years. She has a bachelor’s degree in business administration, has professional experience working in offices for universities and animal shelters, and held various managerial roles in retail. These experiences gave Jennifer the real-life perspective she now uses to teach and interact with students on a daily basis. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 

Jennifer Stallins - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Jennifer Stallins
Jennifer Stallins

has worked as a CTT instructor for the Office Administration training area at Earle C. Clements Job Corps for over 10 years. She has a bachelor’s degree in business administration, has professional experience working in offices for universities and animal shelters, and held various managerial roles in retail. These experiences gave Jennifer the real-life perspective she now uses to teach and interact with students on a daily basis. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 

Jennifer Stallins - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Jennifer Stallins
Jennifer Stallins

has worked as a CTT instructor for the Office Administration training area at Earle C. Clements Job Corps for over 10 years. She has a bachelor’s degree in business administration, has professional experience working in offices for universities and animal shelters, and held various managerial roles in retail. These experiences gave Jennifer the real-life perspective she now uses to teach and interact with students on a daily basis. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 

Jennifer Stallins - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Jennifer Stallins
Jennifer Stallins

has worked as a CTT instructor for the Office Administration training area at Earle C. Clements Job Corps for over 10 years. She has a bachelor’s degree in business administration, has professional experience working in offices for universities and animal shelters, and held various managerial roles in retail. These experiences gave Jennifer the real-life perspective she now uses to teach and interact with students on a daily basis. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 

Jennifer Stallins - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Jennifer Stallins
Jennifer Stallins

has worked as a CTT instructor for the Office Administration training area at Earle C. Clements Job Corps for over 10 years. She has a bachelor’s degree in business administration, has professional experience working in offices for universities and animal shelters, and held various managerial roles in retail. These experiences gave Jennifer the real-life perspective she now uses to teach and interact with students on a daily basis. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 

Jennifer Stallins - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Jennifer Stallins
Jennifer Stallins

has worked as a CTT instructor for the Office Administration training area at Earle C. Clements Job Corps for over 10 years. She has a bachelor’s degree in business administration, has professional experience working in offices for universities and animal shelters, and held various managerial roles in retail. These experiences gave Jennifer the real-life perspective she now uses to teach and interact with students on a daily basis. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 

Jennifer Stallins - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Jennifer Stallins
Jennifer Stallins

has worked as a CTT instructor for the Office Administration training area at Earle C. Clements Job Corps for over 10 years. She has a bachelor’s degree in business administration, has professional experience working in offices for universities and animal shelters, and held various managerial roles in retail. These experiences gave Jennifer the real-life perspective she now uses to teach and interact with students on a daily basis. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 

Jennifer Stallins - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Jennifer Stallins
Jennifer Stallins

has worked as a CTT instructor for the Office Administration training area at Earle C. Clements Job Corps for over 10 years. She has a bachelor’s degree in business administration, has professional experience working in offices for universities and animal shelters, and held various managerial roles in retail. These experiences gave Jennifer the real-life perspective she now uses to teach and interact with students on a daily basis. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 

Jennifer Stallins - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Jennifer Stallins
Jennifer Stallins

has worked as a CTT instructor for the Office Administration training area at Earle C. Clements Job Corps for over 10 years. She has a bachelor’s degree in business administration, has professional experience working in offices for universities and animal shelters, and held various managerial roles in retail. These experiences gave Jennifer the real-life perspective she now uses to teach and interact with students on a daily basis. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 

Jennifer Stallins - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Jennifer Stallins
Jennifer Stallins

has worked as a CTT instructor for the Office Administration training area at Earle C. Clements Job Corps for over 10 years. She has a bachelor’s degree in business administration, has professional experience working in offices for universities and animal shelters, and held various managerial roles in retail. These experiences gave Jennifer the real-life perspective she now uses to teach and interact with students on a daily basis. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 

Jennifer Stallins - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Jennifer Stallins
Jennifer Stallins

has worked as a CTT instructor for the Office Administration training area at Earle C. Clements Job Corps for over 10 years. She has a bachelor’s degree in business administration, has professional experience working in offices for universities and animal shelters, and held various managerial roles in retail. These experiences gave Jennifer the real-life perspective she now uses to teach and interact with students on a daily basis. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 

Jennifer Stallins - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Jennifer Stallins
Jennifer Stallins

has worked as a CTT instructor for the Office Administration training area at Earle C. Clements Job Corps for over 10 years. She has a bachelor’s degree in business administration, has professional experience working in offices for universities and animal shelters, and held various managerial roles in retail. These experiences gave Jennifer the real-life perspective she now uses to teach and interact with students on a daily basis. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 

Jennifer Stallins - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Jennifer Stallins
Jennifer Stallins

has worked as a CTT instructor for the Office Administration training area at Earle C. Clements Job Corps for over 10 years. She has a bachelor’s degree in business administration, has professional experience working in offices for universities and animal shelters, and held various managerial roles in retail. These experiences gave Jennifer the real-life perspective she now uses to teach and interact with students on a daily basis. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 

Jennifer Stallins - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Jennifer Stallins
Jennifer Stallins

has worked as a CTT instructor for the Office Administration training area at Earle C. Clements Job Corps for over 10 years. She has a bachelor’s degree in business administration, has professional experience working in offices for universities and animal shelters, and held various managerial roles in retail. These experiences gave Jennifer the real-life perspective she now uses to teach and interact with students on a daily basis. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 

Jennifer Stallins - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Jennifer Stallins
Jennifer Stallins

has worked as a CTT instructor for the Office Administration training area at Earle C. Clements Job Corps for over 10 years. She has a bachelor’s degree in business administration, has professional experience working in offices for universities and animal shelters, and held various managerial roles in retail. These experiences gave Jennifer the real-life perspective she now uses to teach and interact with students on a daily basis. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value

Judith Reid - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Judith Reid
Judith Reid

has been a part of the Earle C. Clements Job Corps team since 2005. She started as a substitute instructor before eventually becoming a full-time CTT instructor in Office Administration. Prior to Job Corps, Judith worked 32 years in the field as an administrative assistant, network manager, engineer and resource consultant with AT&T. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value

Finance and Business

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following finance and business areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Finance and business hero image
Finance Business
Icon Color
Dark Blue
Landing Page Title
Finance and Business
URL Path
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value

Judith Reid - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Judith Reid
Judith Reid

has been a part of the Earle C. Clements Job Corps team since 2005. She started as a substitute instructor before eventually becoming a full-time CTT instructor in Office Administration. Prior to Job Corps, Judith worked 32 years in the field as an administrative assistant, network manager, engineer and resource consultant with AT&T. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value

Finance and Business

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following finance and business areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Finance and business hero image
Finance Business
Icon Color
Dark Blue
Landing Page Title
Finance and Business
URL Path
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value

Judith Reid - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Judith Reid
Judith Reid

has been a part of the Earle C. Clements Job Corps team since 2005. She started as a substitute instructor before eventually becoming a full-time CTT instructor in Office Administration. Prior to Job Corps, Judith worked 32 years in the field as an administrative assistant, network manager, engineer and resource consultant with AT&T. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value

Finance and Business

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following finance and business areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Finance and business hero image
Finance Business
Icon Color
Dark Blue
Landing Page Title
Finance and Business
URL Path
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value

Judith Reid - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Judith Reid
Judith Reid

has been a part of the Earle C. Clements Job Corps team since 2005. She started as a substitute instructor before eventually becoming a full-time CTT instructor in Office Administration. Prior to Job Corps, Judith worked 32 years in the field as an administrative assistant, network manager, engineer and resource consultant with AT&T. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value

Finance and Business

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following finance and business areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Finance and business hero image
Finance Business
Icon Color
Dark Blue
Landing Page Title
Finance and Business
URL Path
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value

Judith Reid - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Judith Reid
Judith Reid

has been a part of the Earle C. Clements Job Corps team since 2005. She started as a substitute instructor before eventually becoming a full-time CTT instructor in Office Administration. Prior to Job Corps, Judith worked 32 years in the field as an administrative assistant, network manager, engineer and resource consultant with AT&T. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value

Finance and Business

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following finance and business areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Finance and business hero image
Finance Business
Icon Color
Dark Blue
Landing Page Title
Finance and Business
URL Path
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value

Judith Reid - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Judith Reid
Judith Reid

has been a part of the Earle C. Clements Job Corps team since 2005. She started as a substitute instructor before eventually becoming a full-time CTT instructor in Office Administration. Prior to Job Corps, Judith worked 32 years in the field as an administrative assistant, network manager, engineer and resource consultant with AT&T. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value

Finance and Business

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following finance and business areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Finance and business hero image
Finance Business
Icon Color
Dark Blue
Landing Page Title
Finance and Business
URL Path
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value

Judith Reid - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Judith Reid
Judith Reid

has been a part of the Earle C. Clements Job Corps team since 2005. She started as a substitute instructor before eventually becoming a full-time CTT instructor in Office Administration. Prior to Job Corps, Judith worked 32 years in the field as an administrative assistant, network manager, engineer and resource consultant with AT&T. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value

Finance and Business

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following finance and business areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Finance and business hero image
Finance Business
Icon Color
Dark Blue
Landing Page Title
Finance and Business
URL Path
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value

Judith Reid - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Judith Reid
Judith Reid

has been a part of the Earle C. Clements Job Corps team since 2005. She started as a substitute instructor before eventually becoming a full-time CTT instructor in Office Administration. Prior to Job Corps, Judith worked 32 years in the field as an administrative assistant, network manager, engineer and resource consultant with AT&T. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value

Finance and Business

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following finance and business areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Finance and business hero image
Finance Business
Icon Color
Dark Blue
Landing Page Title
Finance and Business
URL Path
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value

Judith Reid - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Judith Reid
Judith Reid

has been a part of the Earle C. Clements Job Corps team since 2005. She started as a substitute instructor before eventually becoming a full-time CTT instructor in Office Administration. Prior to Job Corps, Judith worked 32 years in the field as an administrative assistant, network manager, engineer and resource consultant with AT&T. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value

Finance and Business

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following finance and business areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Finance and business hero image
Finance Business
Icon Color
Dark Blue
Landing Page Title
Finance and Business
URL Path
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value

Judith Reid - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Judith Reid
Judith Reid

has been a part of the Earle C. Clements Job Corps team since 2005. She started as a substitute instructor before eventually becoming a full-time CTT instructor in Office Administration. Prior to Job Corps, Judith worked 32 years in the field as an administrative assistant, network manager, engineer and resource consultant with AT&T. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value

Finance and Business

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following finance and business areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Finance and business hero image
Finance Business
Icon Color
Dark Blue
Landing Page Title
Finance and Business
URL Path
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value

Judith Reid - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Judith Reid
Judith Reid

has been a part of the Earle C. Clements Job Corps team since 2005. She started as a substitute instructor before eventually becoming a full-time CTT instructor in Office Administration. Prior to Job Corps, Judith worked 32 years in the field as an administrative assistant, network manager, engineer and resource consultant with AT&T. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value

Finance and Business

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following finance and business areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Finance and business hero image
Finance Business
Icon Color
Dark Blue
Landing Page Title
Finance and Business
URL Path
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value

Judith Reid - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Judith Reid
Judith Reid

has been a part of the Earle C. Clements Job Corps team since 2005. She started as a substitute instructor before eventually becoming a full-time CTT instructor in Office Administration. Prior to Job Corps, Judith worked 32 years in the field as an administrative assistant, network manager, engineer and resource consultant with AT&T. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value

Finance and Business

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following finance and business areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Finance and business hero image
Finance Business
Icon Color
Dark Blue
Landing Page Title
Finance and Business
URL Path
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value

Judith Reid - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Judith Reid
Judith Reid

has been a part of the Earle C. Clements Job Corps team since 2005. She started as a substitute instructor before eventually becoming a full-time CTT instructor in Office Administration. Prior to Job Corps, Judith worked 32 years in the field as an administrative assistant, network manager, engineer and resource consultant with AT&T. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value

Finance and Business

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following finance and business areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Finance and business hero image
Finance Business
Icon Color
Dark Blue
Landing Page Title
Finance and Business
URL Path
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value

Judith Reid - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Judith Reid
Judith Reid

has been a part of the Earle C. Clements Job Corps team since 2005. She started as a substitute instructor before eventually becoming a full-time CTT instructor in Office Administration. Prior to Job Corps, Judith worked 32 years in the field as an administrative assistant, network manager, engineer and resource consultant with AT&T. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value

Finance and Business

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following finance and business areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Finance and business hero image
Finance Business
Icon Color
Dark Blue
Landing Page Title
Finance and Business
URL Path
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value

Judith Reid - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Judith Reid
Judith Reid

has been a part of the Earle C. Clements Job Corps team since 2005. She started as a substitute instructor before eventually becoming a full-time CTT instructor in Office Administration. Prior to Job Corps, Judith worked 32 years in the field as an administrative assistant, network manager, engineer and resource consultant with AT&T. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value

Finance and Business

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following finance and business areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Finance and business hero image
Finance Business
Icon Color
Dark Blue
Landing Page Title
Finance and Business
URL Path
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value

Judith Reid - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Judith Reid
Judith Reid

has been a part of the Earle C. Clements Job Corps team since 2005. She started as a substitute instructor before eventually becoming a full-time CTT instructor in Office Administration. Prior to Job Corps, Judith worked 32 years in the field as an administrative assistant, network manager, engineer and resource consultant with AT&T. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value

Finance and Business

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following finance and business areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Finance and business hero image
Finance Business
Icon Color
Dark Blue
Landing Page Title
Finance and Business
URL Path
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value

Judith Reid - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Judith Reid
Judith Reid

has been a part of the Earle C. Clements Job Corps team since 2005. She started as a substitute instructor before eventually becoming a full-time CTT instructor in Office Administration. Prior to Job Corps, Judith worked 32 years in the field as an administrative assistant, network manager, engineer and resource consultant with AT&T. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value

Finance and Business

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following finance and business areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Finance and business hero image
Finance Business
Icon Color
Dark Blue
Landing Page Title
Finance and Business
URL Path
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value

Judith Reid - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Judith Reid
Judith Reid

has been a part of the Earle C. Clements Job Corps team since 2005. She started as a substitute instructor before eventually becoming a full-time CTT instructor in Office Administration. Prior to Job Corps, Judith worked 32 years in the field as an administrative assistant, network manager, engineer and resource consultant with AT&T. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value

Finance and Business

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following finance and business areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Finance and business hero image
Finance Business
Icon Color
Dark Blue
Landing Page Title
Finance and Business
URL Path
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value

Judith Reid - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Judith Reid
Judith Reid

has been a part of the Earle C. Clements Job Corps team since 2005. She started as a substitute instructor before eventually becoming a full-time CTT instructor in Office Administration. Prior to Job Corps, Judith worked 32 years in the field as an administrative assistant, network manager, engineer and resource consultant with AT&T. 


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value

Finance and Business

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps offers training in the following finance and business areas. Get started today.

Hero Image
Finance and business hero image
Finance Business
Icon Color
Dark Blue
Landing Page Title
Finance and Business
URL Path
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value

Es Judith Reid - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Judith Reid
Judith Reid

ha sido parte del equipo de Job Corps de Earle C. Clements desde 2005. Comenzó como docente suplente antes de convertirse finalmente en una docente de Capacitación de carrera técnica de la oficina administrativa. Antes de trabajar en Job Corps, Judith trabajó en el campo como asistente administrativa, administradora de redes, ingeniera y asesora de recursos en AT&T durante 32 años.


Office Administration

Office Administration
Office Administration

On the job you will ... 

  • Manage databases, records and documents 
  • Schedule meetings and send communications via e-mail 
  • Handle incoming and outgoing mail and faxes   
  • Prepare memos, invoices or reports  
  • Communicate with team member or clients over the phone, via e-mail or in person 


Some of the career options you will have ... 

Most Office Administration graduates go to work full time in both large and small offices. Although secretaries and administrative assistants work in nearly every industry, many are concentrated in schools, hospitals, government agencies, and legal and medical offices. 

The credentials you will earn ... 

In the Office Administration training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations.  

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 


What you’ll need to start training ... 

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests 
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
  • Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements 
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value
Short Description

In Office Administration you will manage databases, records and documents.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Want to be a part of a team?

Learn how to perform crucial daily tasks to make sure a business is organized and successful. 

Office Administration
National Rate Max Value

Finanzas y negocios

Submitted by jobcorps on

Job Corps ofrece adiestramiento en las siguientes áreas de finanzas y negocios . Empieza hoy mismo. 

Hero Image
Finance and business hero image
Finance Business
Icon Color
Dark Blue
Landing Page Title
Finanzas y negocios
URL Path
Short Description

Administración de oficina gestionará bases de datos, registros y documentos. 

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value
Header - Meet your instructors
Hero Image
Meet your instructors
Conoce a tus instructoras / instructores
Academic Skills Instructor