es docente de Asistente de administración médica en el centro Job Corps de Gary. Tiene experiencia trabajando en varios ámbitos, incluidos un hospital de condado, una residencia geriátrica y un consultorio de medicina clínica. Becky vivió en varias localidades antes de mudarse a Gary, Texas, como Honduras, Venezuela, St. Thomas, Aruba, la isla Gran Caimán, las Bahamas y Puerto Rico.
Asistente médico administrativo

En el trabajo ...
Codificará la información médica de los pacientes y registrará historias clínicas.
Completará los formularios de seguros.
Responderá llamadas telefónicas y las transferirá a los miembros adecuados del personal.
Programará y confirmará citas, cirugías o consultas médicas de pacientes.
Hará facturaciones a los pacientes.
Entenderá terminología médica, de hospitales, clínicas y procedimientos de laboratorio.
Algunas de las opciones de carreras profesionales que tendrá son ...
Las personas con credenciales de asistente médico administrativo en general van a trabajar a un hospital o consultorio médico. La mayoría de los asistentes médicos trabajan a tiempo completo y algunos pueden trabajar hasta tarde o en fines de semanas para cubrir turnos en centros médicos que están siempre abiertos, como hospitales y clínicas de atención de urgencia.
Las credenciales que obtendrá ...
Este es el primer nivel de capacitación básica ofrecido en la serie de Administración Médica (Medical Administration). En el programa de capacitación de Asistente Médico Administrativo, obtendrá credenciales reconocidas a nivel nacional y una credencial o licencia emitida por el estado.
Asistente médico administrativo certificado (Certified Medical Administrative Assistant, CMAA).
Certificación de especialista de registros de salud electrónicos (Electronic Health Records Specialist, EHRS).
Certificación de especialista en facturación y codificación.
Los estudiantes también deben obtener un permiso de aprendizaje y una licencia de conducir emitidos por el estado al finalizar el programa.
Lo que necesitará para empezar la capacitación ...
Tener un título de escuela secundaria o un equivalente (puede obtenerse en todos los centros Job Corps).
Completar todos los cursos introductorios y de preparación profesional.
Aprobar todas las pruebas escritas y de rendimiento.
Cumplir los requisitos académicos (matemáticas y lectura).
Es Jennifer Pride - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

se unió al centro Job Corps de Earle C. Clements en junio de 2019 como docente de Capacitación de carrera técnica para el área de Asistente de administración médica. Obtuvo un titulo de grado de dos años en ciencias aplicadas de Ivy Tech Community College en 2010 y un certificado en Asistencia médica en 2012 de la American Association of Medical Assistants (Asociación estadounidense de asistentes médicos). Mientras estaba estudiando, Jennifer trabajó como cuidadora y tuvo muchos clientes en el área de Evansville, Indiana, donde ayudaba a las personas con las labores diarias, a vestirse y bañarse y a llevarlas a citas, entre otras actividades. Ha trabajado en clínicas de medicina interna, medicina familiar y endocrinología desde 2012.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Jennifer Pride - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

joined Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center in June 2019 as a CTT Medical Administrative Assistant instructor. She earned an applied science associate degree from Ivy Tech Community College in 2010 and a certificate in Medical Assisting in 2012 through the American Association of Medical Assistants. While in college, Jennifer worked as a caregiver and had many clients in the Evansville, Ind., area where she would assist with daily duties, dressing, bathing, transporting clients to appointments and more. She has worked at internal medicine, family medicine and endocrinology clinics since 2012.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Jennifer Pride - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

joined Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center in June 2019 as a CTT Medical Administrative Assistant instructor. She earned an applied science associate degree from Ivy Tech Community College in 2010 and a certificate in Medical Assisting in 2012 through the American Association of Medical Assistants. While in college, Jennifer worked as a caregiver and had many clients in the Evansville, Ind., area where she would assist with daily duties, dressing, bathing, transporting clients to appointments and more. She has worked at internal medicine, family medicine and endocrinology clinics since 2012.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Jennifer Pride - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

joined Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center in June 2019 as a CTT Medical Administrative Assistant instructor. She earned an applied science associate degree from Ivy Tech Community College in 2010 and a certificate in Medical Assisting in 2012 through the American Association of Medical Assistants. While in college, Jennifer worked as a caregiver and had many clients in the Evansville, Ind., area where she would assist with daily duties, dressing, bathing, transporting clients to appointments and more. She has worked at internal medicine, family medicine and endocrinology clinics since 2012.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Jennifer Pride - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

joined Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center in June 2019 as a CTT Medical Administrative Assistant instructor. She earned an applied science associate degree from Ivy Tech Community College in 2010 and a certificate in Medical Assisting in 2012 through the American Association of Medical Assistants. While in college, Jennifer worked as a caregiver and had many clients in the Evansville, Ind., area where she would assist with daily duties, dressing, bathing, transporting clients to appointments and more. She has worked at internal medicine, family medicine and endocrinology clinics since 2012.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Jennifer Pride - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

joined Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center in June 2019 as a CTT Medical Administrative Assistant instructor. She earned an applied science associate degree from Ivy Tech Community College in 2010 and a certificate in Medical Assisting in 2012 through the American Association of Medical Assistants. While in college, Jennifer worked as a caregiver and had many clients in the Evansville, Ind., area where she would assist with daily duties, dressing, bathing, transporting clients to appointments and more. She has worked at internal medicine, family medicine and endocrinology clinics since 2012.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Jennifer Pride - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

joined Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center in June 2019 as a CTT Medical Administrative Assistant instructor. She earned an applied science associate degree from Ivy Tech Community College in 2010 and a certificate in Medical Assisting in 2012 through the American Association of Medical Assistants. While in college, Jennifer worked as a caregiver and had many clients in the Evansville, Ind., area where she would assist with daily duties, dressing, bathing, transporting clients to appointments and more. She has worked at internal medicine, family medicine and endocrinology clinics since 2012.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Jennifer Pride - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

joined Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center in June 2019 as a CTT Medical Administrative Assistant instructor. She earned an applied science associate degree from Ivy Tech Community College in 2010 and a certificate in Medical Assisting in 2012 through the American Association of Medical Assistants. While in college, Jennifer worked as a caregiver and had many clients in the Evansville, Ind., area where she would assist with daily duties, dressing, bathing, transporting clients to appointments and more. She has worked at internal medicine, family medicine and endocrinology clinics since 2012.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Jennifer Pride - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

joined Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center in June 2019 as a CTT Medical Administrative Assistant instructor. She earned an applied science associate degree from Ivy Tech Community College in 2010 and a certificate in Medical Assisting in 2012 through the American Association of Medical Assistants. While in college, Jennifer worked as a caregiver and had many clients in the Evansville, Ind., area where she would assist with daily duties, dressing, bathing, transporting clients to appointments and more. She has worked at internal medicine, family medicine and endocrinology clinics since 2012.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Jennifer Pride - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

joined Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center in June 2019 as a CTT Medical Administrative Assistant instructor. She earned an applied science associate degree from Ivy Tech Community College in 2010 and a certificate in Medical Assisting in 2012 through the American Association of Medical Assistants. While in college, Jennifer worked as a caregiver and had many clients in the Evansville, Ind., area where she would assist with daily duties, dressing, bathing, transporting clients to appointments and more. She has worked at internal medicine, family medicine and endocrinology clinics since 2012.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Jennifer Pride - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

joined Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center in June 2019 as a CTT Medical Administrative Assistant instructor. She earned an applied science associate degree from Ivy Tech Community College in 2010 and a certificate in Medical Assisting in 2012 through the American Association of Medical Assistants. While in college, Jennifer worked as a caregiver and had many clients in the Evansville, Ind., area where she would assist with daily duties, dressing, bathing, transporting clients to appointments and more. She has worked at internal medicine, family medicine and endocrinology clinics since 2012.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Jennifer Pride - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

joined Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center in June 2019 as a CTT Medical Administrative Assistant instructor. She earned an applied science associate degree from Ivy Tech Community College in 2010 and a certificate in Medical Assisting in 2012 through the American Association of Medical Assistants. While in college, Jennifer worked as a caregiver and had many clients in the Evansville, Ind., area where she would assist with daily duties, dressing, bathing, transporting clients to appointments and more. She has worked at internal medicine, family medicine and endocrinology clinics since 2012.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Jennifer Pride - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

joined Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center in June 2019 as a CTT Medical Administrative Assistant instructor. She earned an applied science associate degree from Ivy Tech Community College in 2010 and a certificate in Medical Assisting in 2012 through the American Association of Medical Assistants. While in college, Jennifer worked as a caregiver and had many clients in the Evansville, Ind., area where she would assist with daily duties, dressing, bathing, transporting clients to appointments and more. She has worked at internal medicine, family medicine and endocrinology clinics since 2012.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Jennifer Pride - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

joined Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center in June 2019 as a CTT Medical Administrative Assistant instructor. She earned an applied science associate degree from Ivy Tech Community College in 2010 and a certificate in Medical Assisting in 2012 through the American Association of Medical Assistants. While in college, Jennifer worked as a caregiver and had many clients in the Evansville, Ind., area where she would assist with daily duties, dressing, bathing, transporting clients to appointments and more. She has worked at internal medicine, family medicine and endocrinology clinics since 2012.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Jennifer Pride - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

joined Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center in June 2019 as a CTT Medical Administrative Assistant instructor. She earned an applied science associate degree from Ivy Tech Community College in 2010 and a certificate in Medical Assisting in 2012 through the American Association of Medical Assistants. While in college, Jennifer worked as a caregiver and had many clients in the Evansville, Ind., area where she would assist with daily duties, dressing, bathing, transporting clients to appointments and more. She has worked at internal medicine, family medicine and endocrinology clinics since 2012.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Jennifer Pride - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

joined Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center in June 2019 as a CTT Medical Administrative Assistant instructor. She earned an applied science associate degree from Ivy Tech Community College in 2010 and a certificate in Medical Assisting in 2012 through the American Association of Medical Assistants. While in college, Jennifer worked as a caregiver and had many clients in the Evansville, Ind., area where she would assist with daily duties, dressing, bathing, transporting clients to appointments and more. She has worked at internal medicine, family medicine and endocrinology clinics since 2012.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Jennifer Pride - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

joined Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center in June 2019 as a CTT Medical Administrative Assistant instructor. She earned an applied science associate degree from Ivy Tech Community College in 2010 and a certificate in Medical Assisting in 2012 through the American Association of Medical Assistants. While in college, Jennifer worked as a caregiver and had many clients in the Evansville, Ind., area where she would assist with daily duties, dressing, bathing, transporting clients to appointments and more. She has worked at internal medicine, family medicine and endocrinology clinics since 2012.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Jennifer Pride - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

joined Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center in June 2019 as a CTT Medical Administrative Assistant instructor. She earned an applied science associate degree from Ivy Tech Community College in 2010 and a certificate in Medical Assisting in 2012 through the American Association of Medical Assistants. While in college, Jennifer worked as a caregiver and had many clients in the Evansville, Ind., area where she would assist with daily duties, dressing, bathing, transporting clients to appointments and more. She has worked at internal medicine, family medicine and endocrinology clinics since 2012.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Jennifer Pride - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

joined Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center in June 2019 as a CTT Medical Administrative Assistant instructor. She earned an applied science associate degree from Ivy Tech Community College in 2010 and a certificate in Medical Assisting in 2012 through the American Association of Medical Assistants. While in college, Jennifer worked as a caregiver and had many clients in the Evansville, Ind., area where she would assist with daily duties, dressing, bathing, transporting clients to appointments and more. She has worked at internal medicine, family medicine and endocrinology clinics since 2012.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Jennifer Pride - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

joined Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center in June 2019 as a CTT Medical Administrative Assistant instructor. She earned an applied science associate degree from Ivy Tech Community College in 2010 and a certificate in Medical Assisting in 2012 through the American Association of Medical Assistants. While in college, Jennifer worked as a caregiver and had many clients in the Evansville, Ind., area where she would assist with daily duties, dressing, bathing, transporting clients to appointments and more. She has worked at internal medicine, family medicine and endocrinology clinics since 2012.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.
Latavia Garnett - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

is a Medical Administrative Assistant instructor at Earle C. Clements Job Corps. She has training in business administration and as a clinical medical assistant. Latavia worked in a medical office for 11 years prior to Job Corps and gained experience in the administrative, insurance and clinical areas.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.

Health Care
Job Corps offers training in the following health care areas. Get started today.

Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.
Latavia Garnett - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

is a Medical Administrative Assistant instructor at Earle C. Clements Job Corps. She has training in business administration and as a clinical medical assistant. Latavia worked in a medical office for 11 years prior to Job Corps and gained experience in the administrative, insurance and clinical areas.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.

Health Care
Job Corps offers training in the following health care areas. Get started today.

Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.
Latavia Garnett - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

is a Medical Administrative Assistant instructor at Earle C. Clements Job Corps. She has training in business administration and as a clinical medical assistant. Latavia worked in a medical office for 11 years prior to Job Corps and gained experience in the administrative, insurance and clinical areas.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.

Health Care
Job Corps offers training in the following health care areas. Get started today.

Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.
Latavia Garnett - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

is a Medical Administrative Assistant instructor at Earle C. Clements Job Corps. She has training in business administration and as a clinical medical assistant. Latavia worked in a medical office for 11 years prior to Job Corps and gained experience in the administrative, insurance and clinical areas.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.

Health Care
Job Corps offers training in the following health care areas. Get started today.

Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.
Latavia Garnett - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

is a Medical Administrative Assistant instructor at Earle C. Clements Job Corps. She has training in business administration and as a clinical medical assistant. Latavia worked in a medical office for 11 years prior to Job Corps and gained experience in the administrative, insurance and clinical areas.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.

Health Care
Job Corps offers training in the following health care areas. Get started today.

Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.
Latavia Garnett - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

is a Medical Administrative Assistant instructor at Earle C. Clements Job Corps. She has training in business administration and as a clinical medical assistant. Latavia worked in a medical office for 11 years prior to Job Corps and gained experience in the administrative, insurance and clinical areas.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.

Health Care
Job Corps offers training in the following health care areas. Get started today.

Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.
Latavia Garnett - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

is a Medical Administrative Assistant instructor at Earle C. Clements Job Corps. She has training in business administration and as a clinical medical assistant. Latavia worked in a medical office for 11 years prior to Job Corps and gained experience in the administrative, insurance and clinical areas.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.

Health Care
Job Corps offers training in the following health care areas. Get started today.

Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.
Latavia Garnett - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

is a Medical Administrative Assistant instructor at Earle C. Clements Job Corps. She has training in business administration and as a clinical medical assistant. Latavia worked in a medical office for 11 years prior to Job Corps and gained experience in the administrative, insurance and clinical areas.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.

Health Care
Job Corps offers training in the following health care areas. Get started today.

Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.
Latavia Garnett - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

is a Medical Administrative Assistant instructor at Earle C. Clements Job Corps. She has training in business administration and as a clinical medical assistant. Latavia worked in a medical office for 11 years prior to Job Corps and gained experience in the administrative, insurance and clinical areas.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.

Health Care
Job Corps offers training in the following health care areas. Get started today.

Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.
Latavia Garnett - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

is a Medical Administrative Assistant instructor at Earle C. Clements Job Corps. She has training in business administration and as a clinical medical assistant. Latavia worked in a medical office for 11 years prior to Job Corps and gained experience in the administrative, insurance and clinical areas.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.

Health Care
Job Corps offers training in the following health care areas. Get started today.

Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.
Latavia Garnett - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

is a Medical Administrative Assistant instructor at Earle C. Clements Job Corps. She has training in business administration and as a clinical medical assistant. Latavia worked in a medical office for 11 years prior to Job Corps and gained experience in the administrative, insurance and clinical areas.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.

Health Care
Job Corps offers training in the following health care areas. Get started today.

Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.
Latavia Garnett - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

is a Medical Administrative Assistant instructor at Earle C. Clements Job Corps. She has training in business administration and as a clinical medical assistant. Latavia worked in a medical office for 11 years prior to Job Corps and gained experience in the administrative, insurance and clinical areas.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.

Health Care
Job Corps offers training in the following health care areas. Get started today.

Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.
Latavia Garnett - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

is a Medical Administrative Assistant instructor at Earle C. Clements Job Corps. She has training in business administration and as a clinical medical assistant. Latavia worked in a medical office for 11 years prior to Job Corps and gained experience in the administrative, insurance and clinical areas.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.

Health Care
Job Corps offers training in the following health care areas. Get started today.

Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.
Latavia Garnett - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

is a Medical Administrative Assistant instructor at Earle C. Clements Job Corps. She has training in business administration and as a clinical medical assistant. Latavia worked in a medical office for 11 years prior to Job Corps and gained experience in the administrative, insurance and clinical areas.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.

Health Care
Job Corps offers training in the following health care areas. Get started today.

Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.
Latavia Garnett - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

is a Medical Administrative Assistant instructor at Earle C. Clements Job Corps. She has training in business administration and as a clinical medical assistant. Latavia worked in a medical office for 11 years prior to Job Corps and gained experience in the administrative, insurance and clinical areas.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.

Health Care
Job Corps offers training in the following health care areas. Get started today.

Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.
Latavia Garnett - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

is a Medical Administrative Assistant instructor at Earle C. Clements Job Corps. She has training in business administration and as a clinical medical assistant. Latavia worked in a medical office for 11 years prior to Job Corps and gained experience in the administrative, insurance and clinical areas.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.

Health Care
Job Corps offers training in the following health care areas. Get started today.

Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.
Latavia Garnett - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

is a Medical Administrative Assistant instructor at Earle C. Clements Job Corps. She has training in business administration and as a clinical medical assistant. Latavia worked in a medical office for 11 years prior to Job Corps and gained experience in the administrative, insurance and clinical areas.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.

Health Care
Job Corps offers training in the following health care areas. Get started today.

Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.
Latavia Garnett - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

is a Medical Administrative Assistant instructor at Earle C. Clements Job Corps. She has training in business administration and as a clinical medical assistant. Latavia worked in a medical office for 11 years prior to Job Corps and gained experience in the administrative, insurance and clinical areas.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.

Health Care
Job Corps offers training in the following health care areas. Get started today.

Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.
Latavia Garnett - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

is a Medical Administrative Assistant instructor at Earle C. Clements Job Corps. She has training in business administration and as a clinical medical assistant. Latavia worked in a medical office for 11 years prior to Job Corps and gained experience in the administrative, insurance and clinical areas.
Medical Administrative Assistant

On the job, you will ...
- Code patients’ medical information and record medical charts
- Complete insurance forms
- Answer phone calls and transfer to appropriate staff members
- Schedule and confirm patient appointments, surgeries or medical consultations
- Conduct patient billing
- Understand medical terminology and hospital, clinic and lab procedures
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their medical administrative assistant credentials typically go on to work in a hospital or doctor’s office. Most medical assistants work full time, and some may work evenings or weekends to cover shifts in medical facilities that are always open, like hospitals and urgent care clinics.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the first level of basic training offered in the Medical Administration series. In the Medical Administrative Assistant training program, you will earn nationally recognized credentials and a state-issued credential/license.
- Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)
- Electronic Health Records Specialist (EHRS) certification
- Billing and Coding Specialist certification
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.

Health Care
Job Corps offers training in the following health care areas. Get started today.

Medical Administrative Assistants often fill out insurance forms and code patients' medical information and record medical charts.
Es Latavia Garnett - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

es docente de Asistente de administración médica en Job Corps de Earle C. Clements. Tiene formación en administración comercial y asistencia de medicina clínica. Latavia trabajó en un consultorio médico durante 11 años antes de unirse a Job Corps y ha obtenido experiencia en las áreas de administración, seguros y clínicas médicas.
Asistente médico administrativo

En el trabajo ...
Codificará la información médica de los pacientes y registrará historias clínicas.
Completará los formularios de seguros.
Responderá llamadas telefónicas y las transferirá a los miembros adecuados del personal.
Programará y confirmará citas, cirugías o consultas médicas de pacientes.
Hará facturaciones a los pacientes.
Entenderá terminología médica, de hospitales, clínicas y procedimientos de laboratorio.
Algunas de las opciones de carreras profesionales que tendrá son ...
Las personas con credenciales de asistente médico administrativo en general van a trabajar a un hospital o consultorio médico. La mayoría de los asistentes médicos trabajan a tiempo completo y algunos pueden trabajar hasta tarde o en fines de semanas para cubrir turnos en centros médicos que están siempre abiertos, como hospitales y clínicas de atención de urgencia.
Las credenciales que obtendrá ...
Este es el primer nivel de capacitación básica ofrecido en la serie de Administración Médica (Medical Administration). En el programa de capacitación de Asistente Médico Administrativo, obtendrá credenciales reconocidas a nivel nacional y una credencial o licencia emitida por el estado.
Asistente médico administrativo certificado (Certified Medical Administrative Assistant, CMAA).
Certificación de especialista de registros de salud electrónicos (Electronic Health Records Specialist, EHRS).
Certificación de especialista en facturación y codificación.
Los estudiantes también deben obtener un permiso de aprendizaje y una licencia de conducir emitidos por el estado al finalizar el programa.
Lo que necesitará para empezar la capacitación ...
Tener un título de escuela secundaria o un equivalente (puede obtenerse en todos los centros Job Corps).
Completar todos los cursos introductorios y de preparación profesional.
Aprobar todas las pruebas escritas y de rendimiento.
Cumplir los requisitos académicos (matemáticas y lectura).
Asistente médico administrativo codificará la información médica de los pacientes y registrará historias clínicas.

Cuidado médico
Job Corps ofrece adiestramiento en las siguientes áreas de cuidado médico. Empieza hoy mismo.

Asistente médico administrativo codificará la información médica de los pacientes y registrará historias clínicas.